It was only 166 years ago that a physician in a hospital in Vienna, called Dr. Ignaz Semmelweiss, discovered the importance of hand washing and cleanness to prevent patience from infections and diseases. It is such a simple and nowadays natural procedure that I never thought about that this normal cleansing process is not only important for our physical health but also for our  emotional and mental well-being. Today all of a sudden it stroke me that, what was 1847 for most people an unnecessary "Capriche" of some presumptuous Austrian doctor is happening with our energetic cleansing as well. For the majority it is not even a question if they should start cleaning their energies in themselves, and their houses and environments, because they don't connect illness, depression and negative feelings with "energetic infections" due to arguments, negative thoughts, worries, fears, etc. So it is time to come up with "the Pentdant to hand washing for our spirit". As an artist I am interested in developing simple and efficient energy cleansing rituals for everybody, everywhere. I desire to create sensorial performances for various platforms as well as live to transform negative energy in life force through music, sound, dance, poetry and beautifying artwork. Probably in a Hundred years from now using these energy cleansing rituals is as normal and obvious as hand washing is today. <3

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